Oracle dictionary viewer description. WARNING! This program is deployed "as is", without any warranties. This program is made for Oracle PL/SQL developers to help them to find the necessary object name (like a table name or a column name) in the Oracle dictionary quickly and paste it into their program text by one click. 1. Installation and setup. This utility works under Java (JDK 1.3). If you don't have Java you have to download it from and install. If you have installed Java you have to create a new directory on your computer, save to this directory the files dictionary.jar(utility), readme.txt(this file) and JDBC driver from Oracle installation disk). If you work under WindowsXX you can make the simple ".bat" file like this: java -classpath .\dictionary.jar;.\ dictionary.Run this command will start the utility. 2. Starting. Start the utility by system command java -classpath .\dictionary.jar;.\ dictionary.Run in its directory. 3. Working. First you have to setup a database connection configuration. If you don't see the dialog "Connection selection", click on the menu "Connections". In the "Connection selection" dialog fill the form and press OK button or select a connection from combobox and press OK button. If you have chosen the connection properly you will see the dictionary objects in the main frame. - Double click on the selected object in the objects list or press Enter to see its dependent objects. For example if you select the table name and press Enter you will see the list containing two objects "COLUMNS" and "INDEXES". Double click on "COLUMNS" – you will see the column names for the selected table. - Press Esc key or click on the list header button to see the parent objects list for the current objects list. For example if you press Esc on the table columns group you will see the list containing two objects "COLUMNS" and "INDEXES". The users list is the root list. - Press some letter keys to find quickly your object in the list by first characters of its name. - Enter some text in the filter textbox and press the "F" button to filter only objects containing entered text in theirs names. - Press the "F" button one more time to cancel filter. - Press "+" button to save your selection as a bookmark. You will can to go to this bookmark quickly if you select it in the bookmarks combobox. - Press "-" button to remove the selected bookmark from the bookmarks combobox. - Select a bookmark in the bookmarks combobox to go to selected bookmark quickly. - Press "Pr" button to look at selected objects properties. - Press "Pr" button one more time to hide the properties text area. - Press "a" button to paste the selected name into your program editors window. WARNING! This action emulates the users keyboard input! It copies the selected name into the clipboard, presses "Alt+Tab" key to switch to your program editor, presses "Ctrl+V" key to paste the clipboard contents to your program text and presses "Alt+Tab" one more time to make utility frame active. Make sure that if you press "Alt+Tab" in your utility window you will switch to PL/SQL program editor but not to another program. To do this open the program editor window and right after it open the utility window. WARNING! This functionality has tested under Windows only. It may not work under other platforms. - Press "a.b" button to paste the full name of the selected object into your program editors window. For example if the selected object is a table column name this action will copy "TABLE_NAME.COLUMN_NAME" string into clipboard. WARNING! This action emulates the users keyboard input! It copies the selected name into the clipboard, presses "Alt+Tab" key to switch to your program editor, presses "Ctrl+V" key to paste the clipboard contents to your program text and presses "Alt+Tab" one more time to make utility frame active. Make sure that if you press "Alt+Tab" in your utility window you will switch to PL/SQL program editor but not to another program. To do this open the program editor window and right after it open the utility window. WARNING! This functionality has tested only under Windows. It may not work under other platforms. - Press "%" button to paste the full name of the selected object with postfix %type or %rowtype into your program editors window. For example if the selected object is a table column name this action will copy "TABLE_NAME.COLUMN_NAME%type" string into clipboard. WARNING! This action emulates the users keyboard input! It copies the selected name into the clipboard, presses "Alt+Tab" key to switch to your program editor, presses "Ctrl+V" key to paste the clipboard contents to your program text and presses "Alt+Tab" one more time to make utility frame active. Make sure that if you press "Alt+Tab" in your utility window you will switch to PL/SQL program editor but not to another program. To do this open the program editor window and right after it open the utility window. WARNING! This functionality has tested only under Windows. It may not work under other platforms. 4. Contact information: E-Mail Send me a letter if you know how to improve the utility or if you have a question or an offer. PS: Sorry, I have bad English now, but it is improved fast. I need a job. Give me a job please.